Saturday, November 24, 2012

Question #5

How does the character resolve the conflict?


  1. The character – Hannah/Chaya, got transported way back into the past to the time period of the Holocaust. Once she is there for a long time, she realizes that she will stay in the Holocaust and never get out. “This is not a dream after all. I really will be living here with Gitl and Shmuel” (48). This is her conflict that she has negatively resolved.

    1. Also another one of her conflicts is that she is now living in the Holocaust. But she doesn't remember anything all she knows is she has to get out.

    2. There's also a third conflict that I found as well.

      The conflict starts when “three black old-fashioned cars and twelve army trucks” were at her “young” grandparents’ house (61). The people in the village realized that they were 6 million Nazis all from other parts of Europe besides Poland (61-64). The Nazis forced the Jews to get out of their homes and lie on the ground for hours making most of the Jews feel uncomfortable (73-76). Eventually, the Jews were put into boxcars traveling for four days and four nights, but they end up being in prison (77-88). While they were here, they were forced to take extremely cold showers with the soldiers taking their clothes and a barber, who is a prisoner, cutting and shaving everyone’s hair (93-94).
